I was born and raised on Oahu Hawai’i where land and water are spirit. Nature was home, provider, and our responsibility to malama ’aina – to take care of the land. The islands have so much to share in terms of connection to place and an intuitive knowledge of natural cycles – moon phases and tide, and I got to interact with its peace surfing waves every morning.
This deep tuning in and connection to the land birthed in me an embodied passion to ensure the earth is protected and integrated in the way we move as people and in business. So much of the economy and livelihood, depends on fishing or enjoying the natural landscape. I got to see some of the effects of over tourism degrade the beauty and thriving natural ecosystems.
We as consumers and citizens must hold consciousness around our choices to ensure that we can pass on a sustainable legacy for future generations. Earth is asking us to turn toward healing the damage we have done. If we remember the ways our Indigenous ancestors tended this land for the sake of their sustenance, in a rooted and reciprocal way, we can help move us toward sustainability at a local, national and global level.