Who is Involved?
With proper support and community involvement, C4 will provide spaces for partners and residents to engage, resolve conflicts, build strategies, share resources, align vision, and most importantly shift the focus of environmental work to be more equitable.
C4 Leadership Team Directors (Current)

Alison Sutter

Ana Jose

Annabelle Wilkinson

Bill Kirk

Bill Wood

Cheri Holman

Camren Stott

Dilli Gautam

Erica Bouldin

Gayle DeBruyn

Janet Zahn

Jemel Thompson

Kareem Scales

Kristen Trovillion

Nicole Raphael

Rodney Brown

Reyna Garcia

Sergio Cira-Reyes

Synia Jordan

Wende Randall

Wesley Watson
C4 Leadership Team Directors (Emeritus)

Bo Torres

Stephanie Pierce

Siena Ramirez

Tanya Gibbs

Alice Jasper

Lin Bardwell

Jocelyn Romero

Yumiko Jakobcic

Khara DeWit
Representation in Leadership
Leadership Team will be responsible for overall policy, direction, investments, and budgetary decisions. To represent our community, we aim to include at least 50% BIPOC with representation from Black or African American Community, the Latino/a/x Community, and Native American/Indigenous Community. At least 50% with direct connection to social justice work and 50% with direct connection to climate change work. 10% or at least 2 youth (<25), at least 60% people who live in Grand Rapids, and at least one position that represents the City of Grand Rapids.
Keep up with us in our journey for climate justice

Ned Andree - Project Coordinator
Born and raised in the SouthEast side of Grand Rapids, Ned has a deep love for the City. He serves on several Community Boards: The Boston Square Neighborhood Association (BSNA), Michigan Black Expo (MBE), Communities Organizing for Racial Equity (CORE), and The Grand Rapids African American Council of Organizations (GRAACO). Learn more about Ned’s role as the C4 Project Coordinator.
Community Ambassadors serve as C4 activists, both virtual and in person, promoting the collective work of C4. Our ambassadors have meaningful ties to their neighborhood, and are energized by working with and organizing people.

Core to our process
Community Agreements
This is a list of the community agreements used by the C4 during the 2020 facilitation efforts. The C4 has adopted these community agreements as part of the C4’s infrastructure for all future C4 work.
Be authentic – speak your truth without blame or judgement
Notice moments of discomfort and stay curious
Assume positive intent
Be open to all communication styles
Be open to the experience and to each other
Listen attentively – with your ears, eyes, and hearts
Think about the impact of your words – beyond intent
WHY am I speaking? Speak first to understand, then to be understood
It’s okay if you’re tired! Climate justice work is long-term. Real life keeps happening and can be distracting to staying present
Center equity
We are strengthening our environment for those that come after us — friends, family, and neighbors.
Fiduciary Partners
Empowering Local Orgs
The C4 intentionally chose CBOs of color to serve as fiduciary partners, so that we could create a deeper connection with our communities and spread economic opportunity.
The C4 works with both funders and fiduciary partners to activate community resources. Our funders provide the money needed to do the work. Our fiduciary partners are responsible for holding and distributing that money. By collaborating with community organizations as fiduciaries, we build trust and recognition in those partners and further strengthen our neighborhoods and future work.